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Hazardous Materials & Fire Protection Code Consulting

Forster Consulting Services, LLC is a leading building and fire code consulting firm specializing in hazardous materials, fire protection systems and high-risk occupancies. We are the most experienced specialty third-party plan review service in the country, having performed more than 3,000 hazardous materials and Group H Occupancy plan reviews for numerous AHJs across the United States since 1997.


We are experts in International Fire, Building and Mechanical Codes; NFPA, ASME and CGA Standards; California Building Standards Codes; CUPA regulations; Oregon Specialty and Fire Codes; as well as internationally recognized standards related to construction, protection, and operation of high hazard facilities. 


FCS provides on-call fire and life-safety plan review, code consulting and regulatory compliance services for Building Officials, Fire Marshals and other AHJs, in addition to supporting architects, engineers, contractors, and owners.


On-Call Plan Review | Inspections | Code Consulting | Technical Reports   

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